Oldboy 2003 filmer ladda ner - på nätet PVPRip
Oldboy 2003 filmer på nätet

I’m sure that all of you can always spot a film with good acting, superb plot and great cinematography easily but when it comes to a thriller that possesses all those above quality, it would be such a rarity. OldBoy here, second installment from The Vengeance Trilogy directed by Park Chan-wook (Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, OldBoy, Sympathy for Lady Vengeance) really have them all, good story, powerful acting and the most horrifying and clever end twist if not genius. In fact no matter how many times you see this, the twist would still be awesome. The theme of revenge here is taken to the next level, to its supremacy for it’s really carefully-planned. OldBoy has a mind-bending assortment of drama, thriller, romance and beautifully spiced up with sadistic plot, shocking elements, ultra violence and clever psychological twist. Imagine yourself captured, locked in a room for 15 years, not knowing why and who did it and when you finally escaped and thought it’s all over, you were wrong and here’s the punching line, the direct punch to your stomach. Min-sik Choi as Oh Dae su really acted well, he really got us carried away by dragging us into the mystery that surrounds his life, into the depression he’s been feeling and into the deep well of his curiosity. Once again, OldBoy is a way too remarkable, when “revenge” isn’t merely knife-chopping or gun-battling. Enough said.
This is definitely one of the films to see before you die. It's seat-squirmingly unsettling, shocking and very violent.
It's a journey into a truly disturbed mind; a mind, which - like yours will be - is unable to cope with what it discovers.
This film is brilliantly twisted. It has a thread of the most wonderful, blackest humour running through it, a sense of complete disorientation and enough plot twists and turns to sustain your interest.
Not one of the best revenge thrillers I've seen - simply THE best!

namn på målning | Oldboy |
duration | 162 minuter |
hemförlova | 2003-09-28 |
slag | Romance |
umgänge | Cloud Ten Pictures,Tianyi Film Company,PVR Pictures,Yash Raj Films,Triglav Film,Star Films,2929 Productions,Samuel Goldwyn Productions,Walt Disney Pictures |
besättning namn | Benito Oren,Cameron Rashad,Elias Sung,Ashmore Almond,Abel Andrews,Behrens Malik |

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